

Pearl Jam- Lukin (with Lyrics)

Drive down the street, can't find the keys to my own fucking home
I take a walk, so I can curse my ass for being dumb
I make a right after the arches, stinking grease and bone
Stop at the supermarket, people stare like I'm a dog

I'm goin' to Lukin's...
I got a spot at Lukin's...
I knock the door at Lukin's...
Open the fridge, now I know life is worth

I find the key, but I return to find an open door
Some fucking freak who claims I fathered, by rape, her own son
I find my wife, I call the cops, this day's work's never done
The last I heard the freak was purchasing a fucking gun

posted by Team Zion at 19:19| Radio de Zion | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


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